Thursday, August 9, 2012

Talking to Jesus in a Coffee Shop

So I'm out and about in the morning and I'm about to get in my car to go home when I get this thought in my head to go to the local coffee shop/restaurant and have breakfast. The host leads me to a corner table and I notice the chair opposite me is pulled out. Someone is sitting there but no one can see him, including me. I acknowledge his presence through talking to him with my mind, with telepathic communication. The following is our discussion.

Me: Hi Jesus!
Jesus: Hey Essa*.
Me: Hey Jesus, Archangel Michael told me to come and have breakfast here in the coffee shop. He didn't tell me you would be here.
Jesus: Michael never gives the whole message. But I couldn't send Gabriel, I was playing one-on-one with him.
Me: Basketball?
Jesus: What? You think Ascended Masters and Archangels don't play basketball?
Me: Nope, not saying that. I just think that angels would have the advantage. You know, with the wings and all.
Jesus: You got a point there. We play no-fly b-ball. Strictly by the rules.
Me: What are the rules?
Jesus: Same as regular basketball, but no flying.
Me: Duh! Stupid question. Anyone ever cheat?
Jesus: What do you think?
Me: No comment.
Busboy comes and puts two waters on the table, then picks up one.
Busboy: One?
Jesus shakes his head, indicating he doesn't want any.
Me: One. Yeah, one.
Busboy leaves. Waitress comes over.
Waitress: Coffee?
Me: Yeah. And I'll have an English muffin.
Waitress pours coffee and leaves.
Jesus: The English didn't invent muffins.
Me: I didn't think so. I heard it was the Welsh.
Jesus: I heard it was the muffin man.
Me: Do you know the muffin man?
Jesus: You know I know everyone.
Me: Yeah, yeah. So how's Buddha doing?
Jesus: Good, he says "Hi".
Me: So why did you want me to meet you here?
Jesus: Heard you've been having problems differentiating between your own thoughts and thoughts from God.
Me: Yep. It's like the I feeling that I'm going crazy but I've been through that, so I know I'm not crazy. I mean I'm having a real telepathic conversation with someone that no one in this restaurant can see. Yeah, I'm sane, perfectly sane.
Jesus: You are. Your sense of reality is just different than most people.
Me: Well, I do live in my own little fantasy world.
Jesus: You are not the only one in that fantasy world. You're talking to me right now.
Me: So you're in a lot of people's fantasy worlds.
Jesus: Yes, the only difference is that they don't call it a fantasy world.
Me: Well, that's probably because when they talk to you it's usually in a church or at home, not in a restaurant.
A customer at another table spills his coffee.
Customer: Jesus!
Jesus: See? People talk to me in restaurants too.
Me: I always liked your sense of humor.
Jesus: You know I don't talk this way with everybody.
Me: I didn't think so.
Jesus: I talk to each person in the way best suited to them.
Me: So then, you're not always silly? Only with me?
Jesus: Not only with you. And just like you, I relate to people by their energy.
Me: Got ya J-Dude.
Jesus: I want you to get your writings out there. It's time, Essa.
Me: You know I've been stalling.
Jesus: I know you've been doubting yourself.
Me: Dude, most of it's too far-fetched.
Jesus: Most visionaries are a head of their time.
Me: Yeah, but...
Jesus: No buts. It's time. You saw the egrets** today, didn't you?
Me: Yes I did. Is it OK if I start with this conversation?
Jesus: Sure. But don't forget about the conversation you had with Michael in the Chinese buffet.
Me: OK, but I'll save that for another time. I'll have to check my journal for all the details.
Jesus: That's fine. Gotta go now. Santa is stuck in a snow bank.
Me: It's August! Besides, what about the elves?
Jesus: It's the North Pole and the elves are on vacation. See ya later.
Me: Ba-bye now.
Well, that's my conversation with Jesus today. It might be a bit edited because I don't have perfect memory recall but I do have a creative license. 
*Jesus and other spiritual beings often call me Essa.

**The egrets that he had referred to are four white egrets and a great blue heron that I had seen and photographed earlier that morning. I had to look up egrets and herons as totem animals. I found out that that heron people are unique and have to follow their own path. I can relate to that.

Take this for what you will. If you want to call it fiction, call it fiction. If you want to believe that Jesus can speak to us anywhere, then, that's OK as well. He told me to get it out there, so I am.

©2012 Ginny Gaura


  1. Love this! Reminds me of a sentence that has stuck in my head for years. In Neale Donald Walsch's books "Conversations with God" that I read about 15 years ago God said, the question is not to whom do I speak, for I speak to ALL of you ALL the time, but WHO listens? I have come to know, on my spiritual journey, that God speaks to us through any means necessary ie: Ascended Masters, Archangels, angels, guides, media, books, friends, family, internet, music, humor. God is ALWAYS speaking to us. It is our mission to learn to listen.
