Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Poem Called "Truth"

I'll be sharing some of my own poems in upcoming posts as I intend to publish them in book form. Back in the days before the internet explosion (the early 1990's), I had submitted my poetry to various literary magazines through snail mail, though it was called just plain mail at the time. I even got published in some small presses. For some odd reason or other, I stopped submitting, though I continued to write. I literally have hundreds, if not thousands of poems. Rhyming poems, structured poems, free-verse poems, short poems, long poems, nonsense poems, serious poems, concrete poems, mystical poems, prose poems, philosophical poems, visual poems. Like Emily Dickinson, I tend to shut myself away and write poetry. Also, I find that her bun hairdo is the perfect place to keep pens and pencils.

So here's a short poem to start:


Sometimes it’s so loud
you can’t hear it.
Sometimes it’s so soft
it makes the heavens stand still.

©2011 Ginny Gaura

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